Sunday, May 29, 2011


Memorial Day, first one since my Dad died. He was in the Navy during the Korean conflict so it was a military funeral. I really have a hard time with military funerals, they seem to be more sad than civilian funerals some how. When taps is played I always have a meltdown right then and there. At any rate I am grateful to all who have served or are serving in our armed forces. Freedom is not free, I know it comes with a terrible price.

Easy Does It

I was signed up on one of those social networking sites for a few days. It was fun for awhile until......
some lady started to flirt with me a little too aggressively. Thought I had made it clear that I was not
looking for any serious relationship. I joined the site cuz I thought it would be fun to get to know people
from around the world and what its like in their neck of the woods. So a word of advice to all you ladies
out there, easy does it, less is more. It just seems a little desperate when you come on strong.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Sky Is Falling

Another prediction that the world will end on a specific date. I think the big event is set to occur on May 21. Come on back on the 22nd of May to have a good laugh with me. God says clearly in the Bible that there will be an end to this world. He does not say when. In fact He specifically says that we don't need to know when the end will be. And that's just how God rolls. He tells us what we need to know, nothing more and nothing less. So we know Jesus is coming back. And we need to be ready to meet Him when He does. 

Monday, May 16, 2011

When Driving, Stay On Task

This is for all you folks out there that think your a good driver. If you are in the habit of tailgating, you are not a good driver. If you exceed the speed limit to the point of recklessness, say 10 mph. over the posted speed limit, you are not a good driver. If you fly up the inside lane and cross 2 or 3 lanes so you can make your exit, you are not a good driver. If you travel slow in the fast lane, you are not a good driver. If you run with the pack in the left lane, you are not a good driver. If you fail to obey yeild signs, even those on entrance ramps to the interstate, you are not a good driver. If you cut in front of another vehicle, and then slow down to get off the highway, you are not a good driver. If you talk, text, or surf the web on your cell phone while you are driving, you are not a good driver. When driving, stay on task, the life you save may be your own.

Friday, May 13, 2011

I just started reading Steven Tyler's biography, Does the noise in my head bother you. Very enjoyable read so far. He writes well and I find myself being drawn into the book. I hope the rest of it is as good as the first couple of chapters.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

oh brother where art thou

I have a friend who refers to me as his brother from another mother. One Sunday while he was out to dinner with his wife he got up and left. And we haven't seen him since. He did call his mother some time later to let her know he was OK. He does not have his phone with him so I can't reach him that way. I have sent him a couple emails, but no reply. I really want to talk to him. Maybe I can help him sort things out. Time will tell.